Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Remember like, five episodes ago (that would be five hours ago in Jack's world) when Jack's brother died and he had that moment with Jack's brother's wife who was totally hot and I guess Jack and her were lovers at one point? He was like, "I haven't seen you since you married my brother and I'm in love with you," and she's all, "Me too," but Jack's all, "I'm still in love with Audrey Raines," and she's like, "No, that bitch is dead." Remember? Uh oh, look who's back from the dead.

That conversation happened five hours ago, people.

Friday, March 23, 2007

If the German guy with the bomb and the German guy with the bomb activating capabilities are on the phone with each other, why don't they just speak in German?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today's Topic

Okay, first of all, why is it that no one in CTU uses a mouse with their keyboard? They don't even have that finger pad thing and yet they get so much work done so quickly.